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There is a requirement for all ERDF grant recipients to
undertake a summative assessment 3 months prior to the final grant claim.

So, what is an ERDF Summative Assessment?


While the approach to collecting information and the type of analysis within each summative assessment may vary, all assessments need to cover the following themes: relevance and consistency, progress, delivery and management, impacts, assessing value for money.


The Summative Assessment Stages


Stage 1 - summative assessment planning: what must be done in order to plan for the successful implementation of the summative assessment.  This includes the preparation of the logic model and the summative assessment plan using the templates provided by the managing authority.

Stage 2 - data collection and reporting: how you need to record and report upon data to ensure that ERDF programme's monitoring requirements are met.

Stage 3 - reporting and communication: the completion of the summative assessment and its summary, submission of the report to the managing authority and the communication of its messages. 

ERDF Project Summative Assessment Guidance: (ESIF-GN-1-033)

Combining a summative assesment with your final evaluation will provide insights into project performance, evidence of  efficiency, effectiveness and value for money, as well as insights into what and why interventions work (or not) and lessons for the future.  It can also  be used to support your case for future funding.

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Don't leave it too late - IT WILL COST YOU

Failure to comply could cost you 10% of your total ERDF Contract Value 

f you are responsible for delivering an ERDF project contact us now for FREE advice on your specific needs,

if and when you will need to commission a Summative Assessment. 

If you already know you need a Summative Assessment  - contact us now for a no obligation quote

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